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Calle Apolono Morales 6, Meghdad Sharif
Architecture office, Madrid, 28036
Ph: +34 666 32 98 03
Get In Touch Tehran
No 33+1, North Makooyi Poor St. Behzadi St.
Zafaranieh, Tehran, Iran, (Mesh Park)
Ph: +98 21 2218 1537


A Comprehensive Literature Review

MESH Architecture Office, founded by Meghdad Sharif in 2011, has established itself as an international architectural practice with offices in Tehran, Madrid, and Dubai. The firm’s approach to architecture extends beyond conventional design and embraces the transformation of spaces into unique and atmospheric environments. In this context, renovation plays a crucial role in reshaping architectural landscapes, fostering innovation, and enhancing the identity of a place.

The concept of renovation in architecture holds a unique place in the field, balancing the preservation of history and the adaptation to contemporary needs. Over time, renovation has become an essential element of architectural practice worldwide, fostering the revival of historic structures, promoting sustainability, and presenting innovative solutions to architectural challenges. This comprehensive literature review explores the complex world of architectural renovation, from its historical roots to its present importance, types, approaches, design considerations, challenges, strategies, and the pros and cons that come along with it.

The History of Renovation

Renovation in architecture traces its roots back to the dawn of human civilization. The earliest instances of renovation can be seen in ancient architectural works, such as the reconstruction of the Roman Forum after the fire in 283 AD and the reformation of the Parthenon in Athens during the 5th century BC. The notion of preserving and renewing architectural structures has persisted throughout history, evolving in response to cultural, economic, and technological shifts.

preservation of historic structures

Renovation Progression in the World

preservation of historic structures

Types of Renovation

The progression of remodeling in the world has been remarkable, transitioning from a random act of necessity to a systematic and integral aspect of architectural practice. The 20th century marked a significant shift, with the Venice Charter of 1964 defining principles for architectural conservation. This laid the foundation for the preservation of historic structures while accommodating modern functions.

Renovation Progression in the Mesh View

Over the years, MESH has witnessed the progression of restoration as a crucial part of architectural practice. With offices in multiple global locations, MESH is well-experienced in the diverse architectural histories and cultural contexts that influence renovation projects. The firm has evolved alongside the global architectural community, embracing innovative approaches and sustainable solutions.

The Renovation Importance Worldwide

MESH Architecture Office understands the global importance of remodeling. Modernization is globally significant for several reasons. Firstly, it sustains cultural heritage by preserving historic sites, maintaining their value, and ensuring they remain accessible for future generations. Secondly, it promotes sustainability by reusing existing resources, reducing the need for new construction. Thirdly, it contributes to urban revitalization, renewing unproductive areas and promoting economic growth. These principles align with MESH’s commitment to enhancing public life through architectural design.

Renovation can take various forms, including adaptive reuse, restoration, rehabilitation, and modernizing. Adaptive reuse repurposes buildings for new functions, often in contrast to their original use. Restoration focuses on returning a structure to its original state. Rehabilitation involves making a building functional while preserving its historic features. Modernizing upgrades existing structures for improved performance.

Renovation can take various forms, including adaptive reuse, restoration, rehabilitation, and modernizing. Adaptive reuse repurposes buildings for new functions, often in contrast to their original use. Restoration focuses on returning a structure to its original state. Rehabilitation involves making a building functional while preserving its historic features. Modernizing upgrades existing structures for improved performance.

Restoration focuses on returning a building or structure to its original or historically accurate state, often involving extensive research to ensure historical accuracy in the transformation process. An example of this is restoring a unique mansion to its original architectural style, including specific details.

Rehabilitation includes making a building functional and safe for contemporary use while preserving its historical or architectural features. This type of renovation often involves structural upgrades and accessibility improvements. Upgrading an old school building into a community center while preserving its historic façade is an example of this type of reformation.

Modernization aims to update a building with contemporary amenities, technology, and systems while maintaining its structural integrity. It typically focuses on improving functionality and energy efficiency. For a case in this point, modernizing an older office building with state-of-the-art heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and smart technology.

Repurposing buildings involves adapting a structure for a completely new function that may differ significantly from its original purpose. This type of renovation is often driven by changing community needs or economic demands. For instance, transforming an old school into a residential complex or converting an industrial factory into an art gallery.

See our office

Our Office

MESH Architecture Office, founded by Meghdad Sharif in 2011, has established itself as an international architectural practice with offices in Tehran, Madrid, and Dubai. The firm’s approach to architecture extends beyond conventional design and embraces the transformation of spaces into unique and atmospheric environments. In this context, renovation plays a crucial role in reshaping architectural landscapes, fostering innovation, and enhancing the identity of a place.
The concept of renovation in architecture holds a unique place in the field, balancing the preservation of history and the adaptation to contemporary needs. Over time, renovation has become an essential element of architectural practice worldwide, fostering the revival of historic structures, promoting sustainability, and presenting innovative solutions to architectural challenges.

Awards & Honors

MESH's portfolio

MESH’s portfolio of projects includes a wide range of renovation types. From transforming historical villas into modern residences to the adaptive reuse of official and industrial spaces (Mesh office, Sapramin, panah sanat Part), MESH presents the range of renovation. Whether it’s a heritage restoration or repurposing an existing structure, the firm is dedicated to creating meaningful and responsive spaces.

Panah Sanat Headquarter
Sapramin Headquarter

Approaches to Revitalization

Architectural revitalization approaches are often based on historical significance, sustainability, and functionality. Restoration emphasizes the preservation of architectural elements and historical authenticity. The sustainable approach prioritizes resource-efficient design and reduced environmental impact. The functional approach ensures the adaptation of structures to meet contemporary needs without compromising their historical value.

Mesh’s Approaches to Reformation

MESH approaches reformation with a focus on the identity, DNA and atmosphere of a place. Atmosfactory, a term created by MESH, emphasizes the importance of architectural designs that go beyond physical elements to create unique atmospheres. The architectural DNA, another concept developed by MESH, delves into the core identity and principles that shape a project’s distinct personality.

Remodeling Design Consideration

In architectural renovation, design considerations are very important. Architects must carefully assess the structural integrity, materials, and historical significance of a building. The design process involves a delicate balance between modern functionalities and historic preservation. This often requires in-depth research and understanding of the structure’s historical context.

Mesh’s Considerations in Remodeling Design

MESH’s design process prioritizes the creation of atmosphere through careful design considerations. Lighting, color palette, materials, acoustics, and cultural context are carefully evaluated. The architectural DNA guides every aspect of design, ensuring a clear and cohesive brand identity for each project.

Renovation Challenges

Renovation projects face various challenges, including structural deterioration, historical originality, building codes, and budget constraints. Balancing modern comforts with the preservation of historical integrity can be complex. Additionally, navigating regulatory requirements, securing funding, and addressing unforeseen issues are common challenges.

Renovation Challenges for Mesh

Challenges in renovation are not ignored by MESH Architecture Office. The firm acknowledges that unforeseen structural issues, historical preservation constraints, and budget limitations can pose difficulties. However, MESH’s commitment to innovative solutions and radical design processes helps overcome these challenges.

Renovation Strategies

Renovation strategies include innovative techniques for preserving and enhancing existing structures. These strategies may include advanced materials, sustainable technologies, and adaptive design solutions. Modern technology, such as 3D scanning and Building Information Modeling (BIM), aids in precise restoration and modernizing.

Mesh’s Renovation Strategies

MESH employs innovative strategies to address the complexities of renovation. The firm takes benefit from advanced technologies, sustainable materials, and creative thinking to breathe new life into existing structures. The dialogue between MESH’s creative teams and clients results in solutions that align with the DNA and atmosphere envisioned for each project.

Pros and Cons of Renovation

Pros of renovation include the preservation of cultural heritage, reduced environmental impact, and the revitalization of urban areas. Renovation can also be more cost-effective than new construction. However, there are cons to consider, such as the potential for higher costs due to unforeseen structural issues and the constraints of working within existing frameworks.

Targets of Renovation

Renovation targets a diverse range of architectural structures, including historical landmarks, residential buildings, commercial spaces, and industrial facilities. While historical landmarks are often the primary focus, renovation extends to modern structures seeking adaptive reuse and energy-efficient improving. consider, such as the potential for higher costs due to unforeseen structural issues and the constraints of working within existing frameworks.

The journey of renovation for Mesh Architecture Office

In summary, renovation in architecture stands as a bridge between history and the present. It offers innovative solutions that breathe new life into old structures while preserving their cultural significance. As the world struggles with sustainability challenges and the need for urban revitalization, architectural renovation has taken on renewed importance. Its rich history, global progression, and complex approaches make renovation an integral part of architectural practice, facilitating the sustenance of cultural heritage, sustainable design, and urban development.

The journey of renovation for Mesh Architecture Office is a dynamic one, evolving alongside the ever-changing architectural landscape. In the realm of architectural renovation, MESH Architecture Office serves as a light of innovation and transformation. With a global presence and a commitment to creating meaningful architectural experiences, MESH bridges the past and the present. The firm’s dedication to preserving heritage, reducing environmental impact, and enhancing public life through innovative design solutions reflects the importance of renovation in the modern architectural world. MESH’s approach goes beyond the conventional, creating new paths that enrich architectural landscapes with distinctive atmospheres and DNA-driven designs.

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